Old Bike!

Old Bike is a mobile application that allows cyclists (and other athletes) to track their progress & statistics for their rides, walks or runs. Made using Flutter & Dart.

Old Bike is a mobile app that mainly allows the users to track their sport activity progress such as riding a bicycle. The app also allows users to check other users' progress directly from the home page. Additionally, the users can view their statistics from any device whether it is an Android or an iPhone, all thanks to Google Firebase. It was such an incredible journey building this application using Flutter; I truly have learnt a lot.

Login Screen - Users can also create new accounts or sign in anonymously.
Home Screen - View other user's progression (statistics).
Live preview of current statistics is displayed in this screen once the user starts the tracking process.
Detailed statistics are displayed neatly and beautifully.
All of the user's statistics are displayed in the profile tab.
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